Dynavap M7 and M7 XL
The DynaVap VapCap M7 is a compact and effective vaporizer, comparable in size to a cigarette and easy to use. It's best heated with a jet flame lighter, though other heat sources like regular lighters, candles, or sunlight can be used. Using conventional lighters may cause soot, but this can be minimized by using the blue part of the flame and cleaned off afterward.
The bi-metal cap clicks when the optimal vaporization temperature is reached, indicating it's ready to use. It clicks again when reheating is needed.
The 2024 version, the M7 and M7XL: the standard M7 and the longer M7XL with an additional mouthpiece. Both are made of stainless steel with a pre-installed captive cap.
Key improvements include:
A new tip with more mass for less heat transfer to the stem
A "Septa Serrated Slicer" for efficient herb shredding
A Finless Tip for better heat retention
Adjust-a-Bowl for precise dosing
A textured stem design for a modern look
Compatibility with 10mm water filter connections
An improved airport for intuitive airflow control
The M7XL also features a new Mouthpiece Condenser Assembly compatible with previous DynaVap models.
The DynaVap VapCap M7 is a compact and effective vaporizer, comparable in size to a cigarette and easy to use. It's best heated with a jet flame lighter, though other heat sources like regular lighters, candles, or sunlight can be used. Using conventional lighters may cause soot, but this can be minimized by using the blue part of the flame and cleaned off afterward.
The bi-metal cap clicks when the optimal vaporization temperature is reached, indicating it's ready to use. It clicks again when reheating is needed.
The 2024 version, the M7 and M7XL: the standard M7 and the longer M7XL with an additional mouthpiece. Both are made of stainless steel with a pre-installed captive cap.
Key improvements include:
A new tip with more mass for less heat transfer to the stem
A "Septa Serrated Slicer" for efficient herb shredding
A Finless Tip for better heat retention
Adjust-a-Bowl for precise dosing
A textured stem design for a modern look
Compatibility with 10mm water filter connections
An improved airport for intuitive airflow control
The M7XL also features a new Mouthpiece Condenser Assembly compatible with previous DynaVap models.
The DynaVap VapCap M7 is a compact and effective vaporizer, comparable in size to a cigarette and easy to use. It's best heated with a jet flame lighter, though other heat sources like regular lighters, candles, or sunlight can be used. Using conventional lighters may cause soot, but this can be minimized by using the blue part of the flame and cleaned off afterward.
The bi-metal cap clicks when the optimal vaporization temperature is reached, indicating it's ready to use. It clicks again when reheating is needed.
The 2024 version, the M7 and M7XL: the standard M7 and the longer M7XL with an additional mouthpiece. Both are made of stainless steel with a pre-installed captive cap.
Key improvements include:
A new tip with more mass for less heat transfer to the stem
A "Septa Serrated Slicer" for efficient herb shredding
A Finless Tip for better heat retention
Adjust-a-Bowl for precise dosing
A textured stem design for a modern look
Compatibility with 10mm water filter connections
An improved airport for intuitive airflow control
The M7XL also features a new Mouthpiece Condenser Assembly compatible with previous DynaVap models.
Dimensions and weight of the M7:
Length: 91 x 10 mm
Weight: 21 grams
Dimensions and weight of the M7XL:
Length: 108 x 10 mm
Weight: 26 grams
Scope of delivery:
1 x DynaVap VapCap M7 or M7XL (please choose above)
1 x instruction manual via QR code on the packaging